Speargrass Sammich #Vegetarian Could Be #Vegan

I done tol’ you what “speargrass” means: It means “asparagus.” They keep having it at the grocery, and I keep buying it. So we’ve been eating a lot of it lately. Mmmm, so good!

Here’s one thing we had.

I cooked the mushrooms in a skillet with vegan margarine and salt and onions. I drizzled the asparagus spears with oil and salt and baked them at 450F for about ten minutes, turning them often. Put the spears on bread, topped ’em with mushrooms, and topped that with shredded mixed Italian cheeses. If I could get vegan Italian “cheese,” I could have used that.

If I make this again, I’ll parboil the asparagus first, because the butt ends didn’t want to be bitten through. It was amusing to see one’s lunch partner with an asparagus spear that had pulled free of the sandwich dangling down his face. Not so amusing when he saw his partner in the same fix, although he seemed to think so.

I’m posting at Fatal Foodies today about yet another fixin’ of speargrass.

A WRITING PROMPT BASED ON MY POST: Write about an embarrassment over lunch.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Speargrass Sammich #Vegetarian Could Be #Vegan

  1. joey

    March 15, 2018 at 9:48pm

    Damn, Marian, I need to be eatin that! Thanks for the idea! 😛

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      March 16, 2018 at 8:37am

      *chomp* I got more speargrass this week. Here — I’ll stick some in the computer and send it to ya!

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  2. Deborah

    March 13, 2018 at 11:48pm

    I would eat this, but He-Man can eat mushroom. 🙁
    I usually peel the ends with my potato peeler to take off the tough skin and leave the tender white bit. It’s shaped weird, but you can bite it.
    It would have been funny having the Asparagus come out of the sandwich and both of you have it hanging from your mouths at the same time. Pretty funny!

    My favorite vegetarian or vegan sandwich is Avocado. Mushed up or sliced up on sourdough bread with a bit of salt and pepper. Sometimes I like it toasted. My second favorite is a tomato sandwich also on sourdough with a bit of salt and pepper. Nothing exotic, but oh, so good!

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    • Deborah

      March 13, 2018 at 11:50pm

      Ugh! Typos! He-Man can’t eat Mushrooms, and I peel the ends of the Asparagus. Sorry!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      March 14, 2018 at 9:21am

      Avocado sammich sounds really good! Charlie and I have tomato sammiches all summer, but only in summer. I like raw veggie sammiches, too: orange bell peppers, mushrooms, sprouts, thin cucumbers, spinach…. Salad sammich, I guess!

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  3. Dan Antion

    March 13, 2018 at 7:07am

    My dad was famous for making sandwiches with fried vegetables. I would eat that for sure.

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    • Author
      • Dan Antion

        March 13, 2018 at 8:50am

        Fried zucchini, eggplant, green tomatoes, green peppers. Sometimes breaded, but often not. Oh, so good. To this day, if my wife makes fried green tomatoes or fried zucchini, I put some in a sandwich.

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