Random Pet Gear Sorceress #FridayRecommends

Friday RecommendsIt was probably Pete Laberge who put me onto Randy’s Random. Why do I think so? Pete always puts me onto awesome stuff. Maybe it was one of my other awesome interweb pals. But I’m thinkin’ Pete.

ANYWAY, Randy’s Random is made of awesome. Randy makes memes. I particularly like this one. And this one, quoting Ray Bradbury. I just subscribed to Randy’s posts, and I just ordered a box of Get Out Of Hell Free cards to distribute to all my friends. Assuming I have a boxful.

Y’all know I play Minecraft. Sometimes I tame an ocelot and make a cat. Sometimes I tame a wolf and make a dog. Alas, that I cannot virtually buy virtual pet gear for them! On the other hand, I’m owned by two cats, which means two birthdays, two Gotcha Days, and two ChrissyMouse (thanks for that term, Kiril!) prezzies. I can choose the best presents by reading the reviews on Pet Gear Lab. (Not just for Labs.) The site, though currently heavy on dogs and fish, promises more cat articles in future. Also to come: horses!

Y’all may also know that Marion Zimmer Bradley’s SWORD AND SORCERESS annual anthology bought stories from me for the past few years. I just got word that they’re considering my fairy tale, “The Tale of the Maiden Brightheart”, for possible inclusion in this year’s. Fingers crossed! Whether they buy it or not, it’s a stellar series.

A WRITING PROMPT BASED ON MY POST: Write about an animal, sorcery, and hell.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Random Pet Gear Sorceress #FridayRecommends

  1. pete laberge

    April 29, 2018 at 5:12am

    Randy’s memes are good. And subscribe to This is True, too.
    And google him. Let him know I sent you!

    And who do you blame for Pete?

    “Cough! Some Blonde in Texas, who shall remain un-named!”

    This may be wise she is a secret agent for a tech company!
    And WORSE! A librarian!

    Pete is SO BAAAAD!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      April 29, 2018 at 8:09am

      Pete is not baaaad! Pete has given me enough prompts to last me all through this year’s Story A Day May. 😀

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  2. pmlaberge

    April 29, 2018 at 12:10pm

    And I would have more if it was not for my 2 lipomas. Gads “My two Lipomas”. Sounds like a country western band.
    “The two cysts of terror” A sci fic story.
    But I survived the operation, and am healing slowly and painfully.
    Where the Hella is Dr McCoy when you need him?
    The one in my neck was the size of an orange. No wonder I have been such a pain in the neck! LOL!
    The one in my hip was the size of a grapefruit. I am ONE HIP GUY!
    But now there is 1/2 pound of me less to love. LOL!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      April 29, 2018 at 12:42pm

      Holy cats, Pete! Oranges, grapefruit — what the citrus is up with that? Must be because you’re so squeezable.

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      • pmlaberge

        April 29, 2018 at 12:59pm

        Well, they were that size. Trust me, I would have preferred an actual fruit. (Maybe I AM a bit fruity!) You should see the size of the incisions! I will have some nice scars from that. MAYBE I can now become a Pirate King!

        And they call them fatty deposits. I would have preferred a deposit in the bank! And I am not fat!

        DO NOT Google Cysts or Lipomas. Ewwww! Grooooosss! Yuuuuk!

        They cut them out of me! I would have preferred a squeeze, yes. My anesthetist was a vivacious, witty, charming, Blonde. A real knock-out! LOL! She put me under in 5 minutes! I woke up 3 hours later.

        Then, I had 5 nurses. Well, actually, I shared them with 3 other patients. For an old man like me….
        Who is shy….
        That was almost TOO much attention!

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