Funny, how many of my one-liners involve food…. ANYWAY, one of Charlie’s uncles used to be part of one of those old-guy coffee klatches in a mom-and-pop restaurant. He said the topic came around to food, food warnings, and the question of how to know…

One of our favorite dishes is what #4 Daughter, the amazing Sara Marian, calls Roasty Vegetables. It consists of … well … roasted vegetables. Here is the selection we had the other night: I used carrots, celery, red onions, green pepper (I found it!), potato,…

This week, the Deal Me In cards dealt me hearts again. I’ve been reading Sue D. Gelber for hearts, but I’m working on a cold and nothing seemed funny to me. So I reverted to my original hearts source: East of the Web shortstories. So…