King Tipper #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? This was another good play week.

When Poppa was still alive, he used to burn his stands of pampas grass so the new baby ones could grow up and be pretty. Our Hooman Sisters take care of all that stuff now, but they don’t like to burn stuff, so they cut ’em down. That meant all the cats of all the Hooman Sisters got toys!

Momma sat on the couch and wiggled a pampas grass stalk and it was SO FUN! Of course, Chickie had to get in on it. That’s okay, though, because I like the dangley part and she likes the stalky part.

Then guess what I found? MY KONG! Momma used to put treats in it, but I like to play with it just by itself. Anyway, I looked in one of the little toy baskets, and I FOUND IT!

I was afraid Chickie would steal it again, so I grabbed it real quick.

I don’t know what Chickie was doing, but she didn’t come and take it away, so I got to relax and enjoy my favorite toy.

Later, I went into the bedroom and did my Yoga.

Momma calls this the Upward Jelly Bean Cat pose.

In other news, it was sunny and kind of warm for a couple of days, and Momma opened windows and doors and we got lots of breezes and sniffs.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: If you had to pick toys or breezes and sniffs, which one would you pick?



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One thought on “King Tipper #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

    • Marian Allen

      March 13, 2021 at 8:37am

      Here, too. I have to open more than one … opening, in case one of them gets greedy. They mostly share, but I never know when one of them will decide the other one is sniffing up all the good breezes.

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  1. Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

    March 13, 2021 at 11:35am

    One forgets how much better animals use their sense of smell. Part of it is that they don’t judge smells – good smell, icky smell – so they want more, not less scent around. It’s all information.

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    • Marian Allen

      March 13, 2021 at 2:23pm

      I don’t know about that. They certainly associate certain smells or classes of smells with certain things/consequences or classes of things/consequences. Vet smell, food smell. Interesting discussion.

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  2. acflory

    March 13, 2021 at 5:27pm

    We’re getting clean, just-washed-after-rain, autumn sniffs at the moment Tipper, and everybody loves it, including humans. Our noses really are sad though. Glad you found your Kong. 🙂

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      • acflory

        March 14, 2021 at 5:56pm

        Hah! Thank you. I’ve never come across petrichor before and had no idea there was a real, honest to god name for that wonderful smell. This has made my morning. 😀 😀

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        • Marian Allen

          March 15, 2021 at 8:38am

          The internet is a wonderful place. I can’t remember the blogger who introduced me to that word. Probably the marvelous Mrs. Bean. 🙂

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          • acflory

            March 15, 2021 at 6:36pm

            Well, petrichor has now passed to me. I, in turn, will find some way of sending it further on its journey. Can’t keep a good word down!

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  3. joey

    March 16, 2021 at 8:25pm

    That’s good yoga! Those warm days were the cat’s meow! 😛

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