Precious Chickie #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

HELLO! My name is CHICKIE!

I’ve been really specially good this week. I gave Mommy exercise by acting like I was going to crawl into a plastic bag I never paid any attention to before. You should have seen her jump and run and move it out of my reach!

She put a new tablecloth on the kitchen table. I knew she was worried that it would get messed up, so I put her mind at rest by messing it up right away! She was so happy, she said, “CHICKIE!!!”

I decorated for autumn by bringing all kinds of dead leaves up from the basement and scattering them on the floor. Somehow, they disappeared. I think Tipper did it!

I think Mommy would love me even if I wasn’t so helpful. She says I’m adooboo.

In other news, Tipper went down to the basement when Mommy was leaving in the car and pretended he was going to run out before the basement door could close. He said he wanted to make sure Mommy was good and wide-awake when she drove. It worked, because I looked out the window, and her eyes were THIS BIG!

Mommy was really nice to us and didn’t try to make us eat any people leftovers. We don’t like people food! Yuck! Yuck yuck yuck!

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you like people food, or do you think it’s yuck?


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One thought on “Precious Chickie #Caturday #TipperAndChickie

  1. acflory

    November 28, 2021 at 11:10pm

    My, my Chickie, you have been busy. I’m sure your Momma appreciates all those delicious surges of adrenaline. Better than coffee…. 😉

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    • Marian Allen

      November 29, 2021 at 11:18am

      She keeps me on my toes all day and sleeps on them all night. 😀

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      • acflory

        November 29, 2021 at 3:47pm

        lmao – yep, Chickie’s got your back. 😀

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  2. Michael Hodges

    November 28, 2021 at 12:17am

    Dere Chickie, hallo I am teh Grat an Mity Wite Tygur. I haz ben takin kare uv my’z Fat Hooman lyk yu iz tak kare uv yu’s hooman. Fat Hooman iz gud tu me an I haz had turkeez coz turkeez iz tygur fudz. Fat Hooman wuz not knowd dis, so I hadda tell he HAY FAT HOOOOOO-MAAAN TURKEEZ IZ TYGUR FUDZ TOOOO so nau him iz hav nollij bowt turkeez. Nau my’z fat hooman gitz a playt an letz I snif an see if iz awso tygur fudz too but I iz jus lyk turkeez an hamz an teh cheezee makroneez sumtymz. So nau I haz telld yu. Awso uvver peepol fudz stoopid an yucky sept peezza saus, dat iz gud tygur fudz but maybee yu not tygur lyk I.

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    • Marian Allen

      November 28, 2021 at 10:25am

      ROTFLOL! You’re killin’ me, Smalls! Where can I buy your books, boi? Enquiring minds want to know.

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