Driving Doors, Bridges of Louisville, Kentucky Edition #ThursdayDoors

Louisville has seven bridges between itself and Indiana. I got pictures of six of them but, since I was riding in a car on the Interstate, I wasn’t able to snap them all. In no particular order, here they are. I claim that bridges are doors between one bank of a body of water and another.

To learn more about Louisville’s bridges, click here.

The 14th Street Bridge has a drawbridge to let ships through. It’s a railroad bridge, sold to and bought back from Conrail. There IS a door in that little house on top.

This is the George Rogers Clark Bridge, also known as the Second Street Bridge. They’ve painted it a cheerful yellow, which some people detest, but which I like very much

The K&I railroad bridge used to be open to non-train vehicular traffic, but no longer is. Fine with me: I hated going over this bridge. It isn’t paved, so it was bumpy and loud. My Uncle Elmore had me open my door a little bit once and look down, and I could see the Ohio River below. The K&I always made me carsick, especially after that. Ugh!

The bridge in the foreground is the Abraham Lincoln Bridge, which I think is Louisville’s newest. I will never cross it, if I can help it, because it charges a toll. Fuck that noise.

I took this picture from the Indiana side. It’s the Big Four Bridge, and it’s for pedestrians only. On nice days, people stroll across the river from one state to the other. The Indiana terminus of the bridge is very close to The Red Yeti, which has food and craft beer totally worth walking to another state to enjoy.

The Sherman Minton is my bridge of choice. I’ve taken this picture as we approached it from the Indiana side; I think a bridge entrance qualifies as a door.

This isn’t a bridge, but it’s every kid in town’s favorite overpass. The tunnels are long enough, as you see, to require lights, which makes them long enough for kids to roll down the windows and shout as loudly as they can to hear the reverberations.

Here endeth all the pictures I have in my backlog. I’ll have to rustle up some more, pronto.

Thursday doors is under the direction of Dan Antion, photographer extraordinaire and critter daddy. Visit his site, enjoy his wonderful photographs, follow his directions, and enter a world of doors.




I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Driving Doors, Bridges of Louisville, Kentucky Edition #ThursdayDoors

  1. Dan Antion

    June 2, 2022 at 10:01am

    So, your plan to drag me out of a Thursday Doors break is to include a bridge? Well, it certainly worked. It’s almost like you know me. Thanks for these. Happy Thursday, Marian!

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