Tipper’s Addictions #Caturday #TipperChickieAdi

Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? Momma says I have a naddikshun! She says Chickie has a naddikshun to drinking out of the bathroom faucet, but I have a different naddikshun — in fact, I have two! More than Chickie!

She says one is bad and one is good, but I like both, so I think both of them are good.

The one she says is bad is the one about my window seat. It gots a foam on it, and a fluffy cover over that. I like to pull the fluffy cover off and … Momma says this is bad … eat the foam.

Momma stops me when she catches me, so I try to do it when she isn’t looking because I don’t like for her to worry.

My other nadikkshun is for petting. I don’t care if I get petted with a hand…

…or a foot.

She says Chickie and I share a nobsesshun with keeping an eye on Adi.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you have a nobsesshun or a nadikkshun?



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One thought on “Tipper’s Addictions #Caturday #TipperChickieAdi

  1. Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

    September 10, 2022 at 1:27pm

    Foam not good for tummy. Not meant to be eaten. Can’t even imagine swallowing the stuff. Tipper, you’re weird.

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  2. Dan Antion

    September 10, 2022 at 12:00pm

    Stop eating the foam, and maybe you’ll get petted more.

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    • Marian Allen

      September 11, 2022 at 9:23am

      lol! The only way he could get petted more is if I Gorilla Glued him to my hand.

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