Eh? What? Not a joke. So I got hearing aids. Went to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor and got an audiogram. I can hear like a bastard in the low range, but I’m damn near deaf in the high range. So if Frankenstein’s monster is coming, I got you’r back; Dracula in bat form, not so much.
ANYWAY, since I’m so tight (HOW TIGHT ARE YOU?) all my pennies look like they’ve been through a souvenir machine, I went online to research and buy the best hearing aids FOR ME. Yeah, plural.
The one I liked best was Phonak Audeo Marvel. New, they’re about $1200 to $4000 EACH. I’m like, “Excuuuuse me?” So I went to eBay and found some from for considerably less.
For less than $1000, I got all this kit, plus shipping, plus a year’s insurance, plus they used my audiogram to program them for me.

The only difference is, I got a box of different sized domes, which is what they call the bits that stick in your ear.
I call my hearing aids Sam and Dean, after the boys on Supernatural.
Been wearing them for about a week, and I love them.
As for nails, I did this:

The base color is Hunter’s Helper’s Demon Eyes, the gray stamp is Maniology’s Grey Joy, the black stamp is Milani’s Black Swift, the pink is Sally Hansen’s Sugar Poppy, the sparkles are some topper I don’t remember (I was at a convention this weekend and haven’t unpacked the car and I took a repair kit with me). The plate is Maniology’s M064.
A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Write about a raven.
November 7, 2022 at 10:07pmFabulous nails! I love how you named your hearing aids, and well, I love that you got them!
Marian Allen
November 8, 2022 at 9:15amI love them! I hardly know they’re in. They don’t make everything louder, just the range where I’ve lost natural reception. Everything sounds clearer and more nuanced, not louder.
Damyanti Biswas
November 1, 2022 at 11:34amI love the fact you named them Sam and Dean. Your earpieces are going to live forever, Haha 😀
Marian Allen
November 1, 2022 at 2:31pm😀 When I open the charging box in the morning, naturally I say, “Hello, boys.”
November 1, 2022 at 11:02amI like the ode to Poe on your nails. I hope the hearing aids last a long time. I’m shocked that they cost so much!!
Marian Allen
November 1, 2022 at 2:30pmI was shocked, too. You can get some for very, very cheap, but ….
October 31, 2022 at 4:02pmI’m getting to the point of thinking about getting my hearing checked too. The joys of getting older. Are they comfortable? The hearing aids, I mean.
Marian Allen
November 1, 2022 at 9:26amOh, yeah, once I found the size of dome I like, I hardly know they’re there. They’re super light.
October 31, 2022 at 9:47amOh, Marian, I absolutely love your nails. Awesome!
I know the price of hearing aids, having helped my mom get new ones about 7-8 years ago. They were about $3,000 each, but thankfully Medicaid paid for them. I’m glad you were able to find yours at a reasonable price, and ones that you like.
Marian Allen
November 1, 2022 at 9:25amYeah, when I started researching, I found a really wide price range. I didn’t want the least expensive, because you get what you pay for. The ones I got are refurbished, but they’re the exact make and model I thought would be best for me. I reckoned I’d rather be out $1000 than $8000 if I couldn’t tolerate them.
Dan Antion
October 31, 2022 at 9:06amI’m glad you can now hear whoever is knocking at your chamber door. Cool nails.
Marian Allen
November 1, 2022 at 9:23amLOL!