Caturday: Quick Happy Adi

Hewwo. Um, I’m Adi, okay?

EverMom wasn’t able to post for a long, long time, and she still can’t pick me up, eben dough I’m getting skinnier. See, Tipper eats my food, so I go downstairs and eat his food, and going up and down de stairs is making me skinny.

Eben dough EverMom can’t pick me up, she takes lots of pictures. She has so many pictures, it’s gonna take her a long time to sort dem out. Meanwhile, here is a bideo of #4 Hooman Sister makin’ me dance. I liked it!

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you like to dance?


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One thought on “Caturday: Quick Happy Adi

  1. acflory

    August 19, 2023 at 8:26pm

    Yes! They’re back. So lovely to see Adi and No.4 bopping along to the music. Now where is my favourite boy? And that trim, taut, terrific girl called Chickie? Yes, I know. I’m being greedy, but I have missed them!

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    • Marian Allen

      August 20, 2023 at 12:05pm

      They’re all still going strong and will each post on their own week. They each want to be the center of attention.

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  2. Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

    August 19, 2023 at 1:39pm

    Still a substantial ball of fluff – doesn’t seem to mind being danced! Thank you Evermom and Human sister.

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    • Marian Allen

      August 20, 2023 at 12:03pm

      Adi is, indeed, a substantial ball of fluff. I don’t see how she has any fur left, considering how much of it she sheds.

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