Caturday: Chickie On The Job

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats-of-instagram #blackandwhitecats #Chickie #MamzelleChickieLaSilk

HELLO! My name is CHICKIE!

Mommy was just starting to pet me with both hands because she didn’t have a brace on her wrist, and she went back to just one hand!

Why you not use both hands to pet? Why?

I gave it a good think.

Think…. Think….

Then I saw the problem! Somebody wrapped her left hand up again! She said it was a doctor! She said she had a hurt on her hand! I couldn’t allow anything to hurt Mommy’s hand, so I did something about it!

Aaaragh! I BITE the bad hurt! You feel better now, Mommy?

Last Monday would have been Poppy’s 90th birthday. We still miss him. Dis is the bed he used to sleep in, and I slept right here at the foot of it like dis.

Love you, Poppy!

Now I sleep at the foot of Mommy’s bed. She says we’re lucky we have each other. I think so, too.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Who are you lucky to have?


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One thought on “Caturday: Chickie On The Job

  1. acflory

    September 23, 2023 at 7:59pm

    Hi Chickie. You’re a real helper-girl and your Mum is lucky to have you look after her so well. I do agree with Dan though, next time bite that mean, nasty old doctor! Much love, Meeks, Golli and Mogi. Oh! And Big Girl, Billy and Ben. Big Girl is the alpaca and Billy and Ben are our two new Boyz. Meeeeh and Baaaa.

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  2. Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

    September 23, 2023 at 3:18pm

    Hope your hand is out of bondage/bandage soon – the kitties are confused. And I want you back to normal, too. For YOUR sake. Write on!

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    • Marian Allen

      September 24, 2023 at 10:29am

      Thanks, Alicia! I’m currently out of bondage/bandage, except when I drive. The surgical site is still a little tender, so I wrap padding around it when I need to clutch a steering wheel, but that’ll only be another week or two, I’m thinking.

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  3. bikerchick57

    September 23, 2023 at 10:50am

    Happy Caturday, Chickie! Thanks for taking care of your human so well and making sure she is safe at night. Gibbs and Hoshi commend you for your service.

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    • Marian Allen

      September 24, 2023 at 10:28am

      It’s amazing how much comfort one little cat on the bed can generate.

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  4. Dan Antion

    September 23, 2023 at 10:41am

    Good job, Chickie. Next time, bite the doctor. We never stop missing the ones we loved and who loved us.

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