#MondayRecommends #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt
I finally got out Saturday. #4 and her AlmostMister shoveled a little path for me from my door to a good parking place and from my garage to the hill up to the parking place, then #4 managed to wrangle the car, with AlmostMister pushing, into the parking place. Now I can get out if I HAVE to. Even so, AlmostMister let me go to the grocery with him, so now I’m provisioned.
One reason I felt comfortable walking on the iffy ground was my YakTrax “snow chains” that my late friend, Jane, bought me. They stretch onto your shoes, fixing coils of strong wire to the bottoms, and they grip like me with a penny. You have to take them off before you walk on wood floors so you don’t scratch the floor, and before you walk on concrete so you don’t slip on a surface where the metal would slip instead of grip.
Highly recommended.
My nails this week are abstract. I used a dusty rose as a base color, then stamped abstract shapes in yellow, green, and blue, then stamped abstract designs with geometric lines in Terracotta Rose.