Caturday: Tipper Unfrosted

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #whitecats #Tipper #TipperLordSnowbottom #SirSniffsalot

Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what?

Adi almost got squershed, and it serves her right. She keeps getting under Momma’s feets and then squawking when she gets bumped or stepped on. #4 Hooman Sister saw her one time and said, “She just deliberately walked right under where you were putting your foot!”

Momma said her doctor said most people break their wrists because they trip over pets, not mushroom hunting, like Momma was doing. Momma tells us, “When a cat gets under my feet, I don’t trip, I keep walking. If I step on you once, you’ll know you’ve been stepped on. Put your tail under my foot and you’ll be going around looking like a beaver.” I guess Adi didn’t believe her. She fluffed around and she found out. (Actually, Momma DID step down, but she stepped back off like in a tiny piece of a second.)

The snow is finally melting away.

Momma looked out the window this morning and said, “Bye, Felicia.”

I liked the snow. It was all white, like me, so I thought maybe I could sneak out and stay on the porch and nobody could see me. I’d be imbizzaboo!


Did you know sometimes I go into Poppa’s room? Chickie doesn’t allow Adi to go in, and I can only go in if I’m getting up to look out the window.

Poppa was Chickie’s hooman, and she’s still jealous about him. Momma can go in, though.




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One thought on “Caturday: Tipper Unfrosted

  1. acflory

    February 2, 2025 at 7:49pm

    I’m so glad you and Chickie are smart enough not to trip your Mum up! She definitely doesn’t need another lot of broken wrists. Adi will just have to learn. Give yourselves a big hug from me and Golli and Mogi, and pass a hug onto your Mum as well. 🙂

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