
I was born in Louisville, Kentucky and now live in rural Indiana. For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved telling and being told stories. When, at the age of about six, I was informed that somebody got paid for writing all those books and movies and television shows, I abandoned my previous ambition (beachcomber), and became a writer.

Although I’ve been to Europe twice, I’ve never lived anywhere but Kentucky and Indiana. My high school alma mater is Iroquois (the white and the blue, Iroquois–rah! rah!) in Louisville and my college is Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond.

I’ve worked as a high school teacher, an executive secretary, a soda jerk, a bank clerk, an accountant, and in Red Cross Youth Services. While working for the Red Cross, I met my husband, a widower with three young daughters. We married and had a fourth daughter. Their names are #1 Daughter, #2 Daughter, #3 Daughter and #4 Daughter.

Small town life agrees with me. I like the interconnectedness of everything and everybody. The internet is a little like a small town: I frequently “run into” an old friend in a new venue. I like connecting and reconnecting with people, meeting new friends and keeping in touch with the friends I already have.

My writing reflects this love of network. I try to remember, in my books and stories, that no one exists in total isolation, but in a web of connections to family, friends, colleagues, self at former stages of maturity, perceptions and self-images. Most of my work is fantasy, science fiction and/or mystery, though I write horror, humor, romance, mainstream or anything else that suits the story and character.

I’ve had stories in anthologies, on-line and print publications, including Oceans of the Mind and Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Sword and Sorceress anthologies 22 and 23, on coffee cans and the wall of an Indian restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky.

I have books in electronic formats and paper, self-published and traditionally published.

I’m a member of the Woman’s Literary Club of Corydon, Friends of Harrison County Public Library, and am a supporter of Harrison County Community Services, Heifer International and Kiva.

Professionally, I’m a member of Southern Indiana Writers and Quills and Quibbles.


I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

One thought on “About

  1. Jac Evans

    January 8, 2012 at 12:21am

    This is the information about the Marian. I read this post and like this post.

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