My Deal Me In deck turned up spades this week, so I went to Daily Science Fiction and clicked on the Transporter to go to a random story. I’ve had good luck with that, and this time was no exception to that. “The Show Must”…

My Deal Me In deck turned up spades this week, so I went to Daily Science Fiction and clicked on the Transporter to go to a random story. I’ve had good luck with that, and this time was no exception to that. “The Show Must”…
My Deal Me In deck turned up clubs this week, so I read a Chekhov story. As it happened, I reread one of the first Chekhov stories my husband ever showed me. I hadn’t remembered the title and, by the time I had remembered I’d…
My Deal Me In deck turned up hearts, which means I got to read one of Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt’s Drabbles (stories of exactly 100 words). Alicia is the author of one of my favorite books of all time, Pride’s Children: Purgatory. It’s the first in…