#MondayRecommends #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt The delightful Teagan Geneviene has done it again! Her latest addition to her Author Tool Chest collection is REAL STEAMPUNKERY TECH: TRUE CONTRAPTIONS OF THE STEAM AND DIESEL ERAS. For her purpose, she defines this stretch of…

Food Tuesday: Getting Food In Your Books Without Putting On Weight#writing #DanAntion #DreamersAlliance #SecretsHeldAgainstEvil #thrillers #books #bookstagram #writingprompt I invited Dan Antion to talk about an aspect of his Dreamer’s Alliance series that caught my attention. It isn’t an element that breaks into the “suspension…

So #1 Daughter’s Husband turned me on to this translation of this book/series, STORY OF THE STONE, also known as DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER, which introduced me to the Autumn Moon celebrations, which put Over the Moon onto my radar. Now Over the Moon…