#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #blackandwhitecats #Chickie #MamzelleChickieLaSilk HELLO! My name is CHICKIE! I’ve been letting Adi snuggle in bed with Mommy when she wants to. Adi says sometimes she has nightmares and she needs to snuggle. So I said it was okay. I wonder if…

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #blackandwhitecats #Chickie #MamzelleChickieLaSilk HELLO! My name is CHICKIE! It was a quirpy week. Sometimes you just gotta quirp on the rugs. This week it was my turn, although Adi snuck and hacked up a hairball in a corner. I made a…

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #whitecats #Tipper #TipperLordSnowbottom #SirSniffsalot Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? When Momma wants to keep ants out of the house, she sprinkles talcum powder around inside the door. Now she wants to keep me in, so she sprinkled talcum…