So Chirp Books offered me a deal on C. S. Lewis’s space trilogy, so I bit. Now we all know C. S. Lewis from his Narnia books (so, let’s write books about Jesus, but he’s a lion). The first of the space trilogy is OUT…

So #1 Daughter’s Husband turned me on to this translation of this book/series, STORY OF THE STONE, also known as DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER, which introduced me to the Autumn Moon celebrations, which put Over the Moon onto my radar. Now Over the Moon…

#MondayRecommends and #NailArt: Birthday and Remembrance #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10DiscountCoupon #GreatBritishBakingShow Tomorrow is my eleventy-seventh birthday. The Amazing Sara Marian will be at school until three in the morning, half an hour after she goes to bed, so she gave me my present early. I…