In this scene from — Yes, EEL’S REVERENCE — Aunt Libby, octogenarian priest of Micah, meets Blennie, mermayd member of the mercenary band called the Fortunatos. My capture exhilarated me. No wonder I’d been so angry with Clare and her plan; she’d brought me back…

Sample Sunday (or #SampleSunday in Twitterspeak) is … well … putting samples of your work on your blog every Sunday. Participants can post whole short stories or excerpts of stories or novels or works in progress. It’s a good way for readers to try you…

“Sunlight Like Honey” is one of the stories in my collection THE KING OF CHEROKEE CREEK. The stories are mostly literary (which does NOT mean “nothing happens in them”, by the way), with a maybe-fantasy to begin and a definite fantasy to end. “Sunlight Like…