One-Liner Wednesday: What’s It Like To Be A Writer? #one-linerWednesday #writing #DamyantiBiswas @DamyantiG The incomparable Damyanti Biswas, who has a new Blue Mumbai book out on Kindle and another available for pre-order, shared some insight: “The #writinglife is a rollercoaster and publishing is like being…
Tag: writing
Just so you know: I’m well aware that the “rap” in Epic Rap Battles of History is not real rap. Real rap is a black cultural art form that is amazing. Epic Rap Battles of History “rap” is not that. It is WAY not that.…
My Deal Me In deck turned up hearts this week, so I went to Sue D. Gelber’s website and followed a link to: Restaurant Reviews by MFA Students Oh, my dear lord, I love this woman! From just the little lit analysis I did in…