Wednesday is food day on the blog, so I’ve included a recipe. I’m sorry, Pete — I intended to make Wednesdays all be Steffie stories, but she wouldn’t work today. Maybe tomorrow. On the Spot by Marian Allen When Bethesda left the doctor’s office with…

Time Will Tell by Marian Allen “What time is it, Mom?” Hard enough navigating city streets, when you’re used to the country, without a pre-teen shouting in your ear. “Sit back, Miss Impatience! It’s about four.” “The bus leaves at four!” “Well, it’s about four.”…

It’s Suuuuuunnndaaaaayyyy. Sundays of Story A Day May, I write stories about the fictional Holly Jahangiri, set on the plannett … er, planet Llannonn, which is the main setting of my currently out-of-print sf-cop-farce, FORCE OF HABIT. As always, I give acknowledgement and thanks to…