The cover for my science fantasy, THE WOLVES OF PORT NOVO, the Novel Formerly Known As Eel’s Reverence, continues apace. I’m working on the back-cover blurb. In the words of the immortal Fly, hellllllp meeeeee Elderly priest of Holy Sweet Micah, Aunt Libby, leaves her…

Cover art is proceeding on THE WOLVES OF PORT NOVO, the Novel Formerly Known As Eel’s Reverence. Does it surprise you to know that I’m a super pill when it comes to covers? I always like other people’s covers, but never my own. I’m just…

In SIDESHOW IN THE CENTER RING, my science fiction comedy of bad manners, Connie Phelan and the exclusive social circle she wants to join visit Marner, a planet where a regulated form of slavery is legal and the natives resemble bipedal cats. DAMN, that’s a…