First, here is a picture of my mother’s house in the snow. Yeah, snow. More snow. If I’d wanted to live in freakin’ Minnesota, I’d LIVE in Minnesota, okay? But it’s pretty. And the snow sparkles. Sparkles like vampires.
My cold has abated somewhat. I’m hardly languishing at all, anymore. This one has taken me very oddly. The last one made me crafty. This one seems to have gone from my lungs to my head to my fingers, and I’ve been writing.
I wrote a 600-word story to submit to NPR’s Three Minute Fiction thing, which I emailed yesterday.
I wrote a 500-word story to submit to Dark Valentine, which I plan to submit today.
I’m thinking about trying a 500-1000-word story for an anthology to benefit the victims of the Queensland, Australia flooding. I’ll prolly do that today.
Oh–before I forget, David Nelson Brasher won Denise Verrico’s TWILIGHT OF THE GODS T-shirt. Congratulations, David!
Now, where was I? Oh, yes. I mentioned on FaceBook that Kleenex tissues with lotion sparkle like vampires, and Dan Bays suggested I go into advertising, so I wrote this ad:
Scene: Girl on balcony in filmy nightdress, eyes wet with tears, tissue to nose.
Girl: This tissue is so rough! <moans> Oh! It hurts! It hurts! <sobs>
Enter: Edward steps out of shadows. He sparkles. He places his hands on her shoulders.
Edward: You need something more…tender.
Girl: Oh! Edward!
Edward: <places hand over her nose> Blow.
<she blows>
Girl: Why–it’s LOTION!
Edward: Now with Vitamin E and Aloe Vera. It’s not just a tissue–it’s a comfort
Creativity is totally wasted on me. I only abuse it.
It’s the 21st, so I also have a post up at The Write Type, this one about a rare occasion on which Charlie and I agree on the quality of a book.
WRITING PROMPT: Two characters disagree on whether or not a book is good. Do they know each other, or only strike up acquaintance when one comments on what the other is reading? Do they argue? Does one acquiesce, while holding her/his own opinion secretly? Does one convince the other? Try it different ways.
Patricia Stoltey
January 24, 2011 at 3:34pmThere’s obviously a tremendous difference in our personalities, Marian, because I would jump on even the smallest cold as an opportunity to goof off, drink hot tea and read novels, take naps, and cough and blow pathetically in an effort to get my hubby to wait on me.
You, on the other hand, got crazy productive. How do you do that?
Marian Allen
January 24, 2011 at 4:11pmPatricia, it’s a new thing. I don’t understand it. Usually, colds put me down for the count, and I wake up after a week of sleep and shuffle back into life. Maybe it’s going vegetarian that’s twisted my metabolism or something. It’s unnatural!
Nancy Williams
January 21, 2011 at 1:44pmOK…the sparkling vampire snow had me. LOL
Nicole: Oh, I love the main guy, I mean, he’s dreamy…cool, awesome dude.
Albert: He’s got no guts.
Nicole: And I suppose sitting in front of the boob tube is heroic?
Albert: Better than slobbering melodramatic wonders into some creepy girls ear.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Marian Allen
January 21, 2011 at 4:03pmI think I like Albert. ~grin~
Sara Deurell
January 21, 2011 at 9:51amLMAO! See, between that and the Darth Vader cough drop ad, we should have an agency based on this stuff.
Marian Allen
January 21, 2011 at 10:14amOMG! Your Darth Vader cough drop commercial! Yes, we NEED that agency!
Carol Kilgore
January 21, 2011 at 8:58amGood luck on your story submissions.
Marian Allen
January 21, 2011 at 10:14amThanks, Carol! 🙂 From your mouth to God’s ear.