When I took these pictures, I was hoping for a happier result of this vet visit. Hand-raising an orphaned kitten is iffy at best, so we knew we were working against the odds. But ANYWAY, Dr. Janes’ new animal hospital is quirky, clean, and designed to be especially welcoming to us rurals.
The front door is BO-ring, so I didn’t even snap it. The building has a bright red roof, very easy to spot from the road, very barnish.
Here’s the door to the business office.
Across from where we sat to wait is this boring but necessary door and this pretty little table. I love the detail on the drawer.
Behind the reception desk is a wide blank wall with halls to either side. They decorated that wall with this “picture” made of planks. Creative, sophisticated, and country, all in one.
Here’s a picture of Daisy, waiting for her appointment. Sick, but bright-eyed and happy to be in her best buddy’s hands.
Across from the other set of waiting room chairs, they have this obviously well-used bird playground. Empty on this day, so the doors were open.
Thursday Doors is the brainchild of Norm Frampton, photographer extraordinaire. Visit his site, enjoy his photographs, click on the blue frog link, and enter a world of doors.
A WRITING PROMPT BASED ON MY POST: A visit to a doctor of some kind.
July 11, 2018 at 12:23amI’m sorry about Daisy.
The Vets office aviary is gorgeous! I think it’s a remodel of a china cabinet and hutch. If I’m right it’s a wonderful repurposed job!
If I ever have a go at having a bird again I’d want this set up!
Right now I’m full up with my aging Diva Dog, and Box the Guinea Pig who is getting SO BIG!
Marian Allen
July 11, 2018 at 9:24amI think you’re right about the aviary set-up. It’s difficult to see in the picture, but there’s a section of stiff wire from the floor to the inside, so birds that like to climb can climb up into the playground.
Pats and hugs to Diva, and whatever Guinea Pigs like to Box. 🙂
June 29, 2018 at 2:54pmCan’t tell you how many cats have been dropped off in our neighborhood. Frustrates me at ‘those’ people. ug! Good of you to help.
Marian Allen
June 29, 2018 at 4:06pmWe’re way back off the road, so we’re pretty sure “those people,” in this case, was Daisy’s mother. Cat mamas will abandon a kitten they sense has little chance of survival in order to give the rest of the litter a better chance. We’re just hurt and angry that we couldn’t pull off a miracle. Daisy was so lively — until she wasn’t. You know? That’s how it goes with abandoned kittens, or so we’re told.
pm laberge
June 28, 2018 at 5:56pmNice pics. Liked the blackboard, above the table, too. Sorry about Daisy.
Norm 2.0
June 28, 2018 at 11:46amIt’s a shame that you had to do this but at the same time it’s so wonderful that you did.
Dan Antion
June 28, 2018 at 7:29amSo sorry that trip didn’t turn out better. It does seem like a nice facility.