I’ve been working on The Project, and I’ve come to think of it as TURTLE FEATHERS. It has turtles in it, and it has birds in it, so….

Here is the cover. Whaddya think? I think it’s kinda snazzy-jazzy.

The background picture is one I took of a mandala on a wall at Mount St. Francis in southern Indiana when I was there on a writing retreat. It has two little turtles right in the middle, and the rays on the outside look kind of feathery. I looked around the internet for a picture to use, but nothing struck my fancy, so I browsed my own and came up with this one.

In other “news”, I went on my first mushroom foray yesterday. I found three, which I post about cooking today at Fatal Foodies. I hope three isn’t all I find this year but, if it is, they were worth it. I love free food.

WRITING PROMPT: Grab two books at random. Open them at random and plop your finger down on the pages at random. Take the words you’re touching (or, if the words are generic, the words nearest) and put them together. Come up with a story idea that connects them.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Project X = TURTLE FEATHERS

  1. KatFrench

    March 13, 2012 at 10:06am

    I’ve seen that same mandala hiking around Mt. St. Francis–it’s on my way home, and sometimes I walk there instead of Buffalo Trace if I’m feeling particularly adventurous. Are there buffaloes in the Project? Because Buffaloes are kind of awesome. They look like mammoths, but just a little smaller. Plus, I’ve learned you need a fence like the ones from Jurassic Park to keep them in, apparently. 🙂

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      March 13, 2012 at 10:34am

      No buffalo, alas! Have you seen the statue of St. Francis preaching to the attentive wolf? I wanted to use that picture, but nobody else thinks it’s as funny as I do that St. Francis has no fingers.


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  2. Jane

    March 13, 2012 at 12:23pm

    Hi. THANKS for the belly laugh. Glad I wasn’t drinking milk.

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  3. Nicholle Olores

    March 13, 2012 at 10:13pm

    Such a very creative one Marian, I like it very much. Turtle Feathers, such a great idea as well.

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