Flashbacks for 2007

Each year’s Hot Flashes–between 2002 and 2007, at any rate–has a Cafe Press store. Visit the Shop link on this web site to find out more.

January, 2007

Revenge is a Dish

“One last slide before you go?”

I’m halfway down when the guiderope snaps off my sled.

“Yes!” she shouts.

Goodbye, Amy. Hello, tree.

February, 2007

Ice Princess

I dreamt of melting her her cold, cold heart.


Now I have a soggy mess on my hands.

March, 2007


Struts, peers, jabs, making life hell for frogs.

A turtle with a taste for heron feet exacts divine retribution.

April, 2007


We dance in thunderstorms, fill our hats with liquid silver, laughing as it dissolves.

Are we in love?

May, 2007

Last Date

“Kiss?” Lipstick colonizes her wrinkles.

Ugh! I can’t touch her again. I can’t.

Well, just once. Her neck snaps. Ring, watch, cash…. Not a dead loss.

June, 2007


A him hummer and a mama hummer
make three mini hummers
and a summer.

July, 2007

Sweet Corn

“Jill and Ben went to pick some corn for supper.”

“Been gone long enough.”

They came back engaged.

“Yep. Just about long enough.”

August, 2007

Cat Burglars

“Sure she’s asleep?”

“Sure. And left this window up.”

A foot eases in– onto next door’s cat, marauding for mice.

Alarm? I should say so!

September, 2007


Canoes can capsize. A guy hit his head and drowned last year.

“Want to rent a canoe?” I ask.

October, 2007


Time corrodes the leaves. Soon, the year will crumble into dust.

November, 2007


This is all built up, now. It used to be so nice.

That was a long time ago. Before I Spoke. Before I Was God.

December, 2007


Children, chicks and chubsters.

Johnny Depp, where are you when I need you?


Go to the Flashbacks link for all years’ Hot Flashes.


I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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