Hawaiian Cats

Let’s have one more post from Bodie Parker, author of GOOD ON PAPER. We’ll have her back when I’ve finished reading her wonderful book. I’ll be very sorry when it’s done.

Here is her first appearance with me and here is her second appearance with me and here is the third.

Here is her biography again:

Bodie Parkhurst is a writer, artist, and designer. She lives in a Craftsman worker’s cottage named Betty in the empty half of Oregon with the House Leroy, her son Patrick, two formerly-feral Hawaiian cats, and a ghost named Jesús. She has a Master’s degree in English with a minor in Art, got through college by driving a truck and working in a dairy, and believes that no experience in life should be wasted.If nothing else, it provides plot material. She provides cover design typesetting, and print coordination services to various small presses, and self-publishers.

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What makes the cats “Hawaiian”?

The cats are Hawaiian because they were born feral on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus, and found living under a bush there as very young kittens. Through the efforts of an amazing group of people there–the university employee who found them, her reporter friend who spread the word about them, a vet who gave them their vaccinations and spayed them for cost, a man who offered them a foster home until a permanent one could be found, and the reporter again who, with her husband, flew the kittens over to the mainland and met us at the airport the kittens became ours. It was the most amazing experience–this whole group of people simply made it their business to make it right for these kittens. We are so happy to have them, and they are so happy to have us.

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Thanks, Bodie!

From Bodie Parkhurst’s wonderful blog, where she shares news about her writing, her life, her projects, her printing house (Magic Dog Press) and her family recipes:

Good On PaperGood on Paper

by Bodie Parkhurst
EAN 9781449586478
Publication date: May 2010
Book reviews

Review copy

Buy a book today
Available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions

Published by Magic Dog Press at CreateSpace

If it’s Tuesday, I must be posting at Fatal Foodies.

WRITING PROMPT: Give a character a pet with a history.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Hawaiian Cats

  1. Bodie P

    January 4, 2011 at 10:07am

    I love those pictures of them, but you should see them now. Lilo is enormous; and both of them are shiny black with bright golden green eyes. Lilo helps me work, she comes and sits on my lap. The group of people who rescued these kittens restored my faith in human nature. People are capable of altruism, and of pure, unselfish goodness.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      January 4, 2011 at 2:43pm

      Nothing like a kitteh to help you work. My Katya is at my left hand now, corekting mai spehling.

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