Okay! Story A Day May, which I enjoyed mightily, is over, and I’m back to business as usual. Today, I’m announcing the release of my science fantasy novel THE WOLVES OF PORT NOVO. It’s a re-release, actually, of a tweaked and re-edited previous and out-of-print…

So today is Tuesday AND the 21st of the month, which means I do three posts today: here, Fatal Foodies, and The Write Type. Geez-o-pete! ANYWAY, today’s Story A Day challenge is to write a one-sided conversation. Since THE WOLVES OF PORT NOVO (The Book…

The cover for my science fantasy, THE WOLVES OF PORT NOVO, the Novel Formerly Known As Eel’s Reverence, continues apace. I’m working on the back-cover blurb. In the words of the immortal Fly, hellllllp meeeeee Elderly priest of Holy Sweet Micah, Aunt Libby, leaves her…