Friday Recommends 5-13-2011

Web sites worth visiting are everywhere these days! The creativity and honesty that go into them are astonishing. Here are a few I recommend:

Pat Bean’s Blog (Travels with Maggie) – Pat and her cocker spaniel, Maggie, live in a small RV and travel the highways and byways, with Pat taking notes and gorgeous photographs which she shares on the blog. It’s my home page, so I can start every day with Pat and Maggie.

I may have recommended Leslie R. Lee’s photoblog already, but it bears repeating. I actually have four sites set up as my home page, and this is one. I stumbled upon him when he was doing a 365-day photo-a-day challenge. That challenge is over, but he posts new pictures frequently and they’re always beautiful or striking or amusing or quirky, and sometimes all of the above.

Another of my home pages is The Breast Cancer Site’s Click To Give page. One click helps fund mammograms for women who couldn’t otherwise afford them. While I’m there, I click on the other sites: for Veterans, for Literacy, for Child Health, for Rainforests, for Animal Rescue and for Hunger–which is where I first found World Wide Recipes, as a matter of fact. πŸ™‚

My fourth home page is Google. I love it when they have their logo all fancied up. πŸ™‚

WRITING PROMPT: Describe a place your main character lived briefly.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Friday Recommends 5-13-2011

  1. Mary Montague Sikes - Monti

    May 13, 2011 at 9:52am


    Enjoyed visiting Pat Bean’s blog. I love National Parks and wish I could visit every one of them. How fortunate Pat is to have so much opportunity to see so much wonder. Thanks for directing us to her.

    Nice you can post. So far, Blogger folks can’t today!


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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      May 14, 2011 at 9:17am

      Pat’s Blog is one of the joys of my life. πŸ™‚ I’m glad you enjoyed it, too. She seems like a dear soul, and she take such breathtaking pictures!

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