#6WSC Honey

6wscWhile my sister from across the sea, Marion Driessen (The DuTchess) is on vacation, I’m carrying on her Wednesday challenge. When she returns, she and I will do it on alternate Wednesdays.

Bee_Spring_2010HONEY – In the hive or in the jar, a color or an endearment.

Write a tiny little story in only six words (not counting the title).

Here’s a Six Word Story by Ernest Hemingway.


Such an impact and unseen images in only six words…

Publish your Six Word Story on your own website/blog and paste the link to that post in a comment to this one here. Here’s mine:


Once blond, now gray. Still beloved.

The next 6WSC at Figments of a DuTchess will be up on Wednesday, August 14th.




I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “#6WSC Honey

    • Author

      Marian Allen

      July 31, 2013 at 7:50am

      Thank ya, darlin’. You should have been at Fandom Fest this weekend. You would have been … bemused.

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