It’s the first of the month, so don’t forget to go to Mom’s Hot Flash page and read her new mini-micro flash fiction story.
Meanwhile, Mom is off away somewhere again. She said she’s working, selling books, but I’ve been reading her blog and her email, and I know she’s going to hobnob with friends and drink beer. Here’s where she is:
Meanwhile, I’m here all alone, just Charlie for company. Sure, he feeds me, and he pets me when nobody’s looking, but he doesn’t let me sit next to him and poke him with my claws unless he’s petting me every single minute. So I’ll just curl up here in my chair — my own chair, with my own pillow in Mom’s office — and wait for her to come home.
And wait, and wait, and wait….
A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you have one special person, or will anyone do for you?
March 1, 2014 at 9:29amDear Katya.
Your Momma is thinking about you all the live-long day.
No, I didn’t just hear that in a song. What? You don’t think I can be original? Hussy! Just wait til your Mom gets home!