I grow weed.

Dill weed. What did you think??
Dill is native to southern Russia, western Asia and the eastern Mediterranean.
It was well known as a seasoning in ancient Rome, and is a favorite all over the world, from Scandinavia to India.That’s because it’s DELISH!
The plant is strangely lovely: The slender stalk can grow to five feet tall, with a flower head like a lacy umbrella of tiny yellow flowers. Each little flower produces seed. The foliage of the dill plant consists of feathery fronds that sprout from the stalk. Stalk, fronds, seeds and flowers are all aromatic.
Some people say the flavor of dill resembles anise, but I don’t think so. I don’t like anise very much (except in springerle cookies), and I LOVE dill. It’s also said to resemble caraway, but I agree with the authors who maintain that the flavor of dill is uniquely its own–a little tangy, a little sweet.
It’s easy to grow, but hard to get rid of. I planted it once, and it’s come back on its own ever since. One of the intrigues of the spring is seeing in what part of the garden the dill comes up this year.
Dill isn’t just good for pickles–it’s great with fish and with potatoes, beets, carrots, eggs–just about anything. I love to put dill weed in my salmon croquettes (well, I live in the Midwest, so we call them “salmon patties”, but they’re the same thing). I also love to put it in bread–dill bread is fantastic with orange marmalade. If you’ve never tried growing and using this lovely herb, I highly recommend it. Buy your seed today and get started!
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write about something that comes up in the garden whether the character wants it to or not.
August 29, 2014 at 5:12amI lived in Russia and people are using dill here in many meals. It is not considered a weed here.
Marian Allen
August 29, 2014 at 8:52amIt’s not considered a weed here, either, so I’m not sure why it’s called that! I know we use the seeds as well as the feathery leaves, but why the leaves are called “weed”, I don’t know. 🙂 Dill is so delicious, isn’t it?
August 2, 2014 at 7:22pmIt adds sour flavor, I guess? Never seen anything like that in my place. The name is unique, also.
Marian Allen
August 2, 2014 at 7:46pmDill is actually rather sweet, surprisingly. It’s the vinegar that makes dill pickles sour. 🙂
July 30, 2014 at 9:16pmHa, you made me look, Marian. I only think of dill in terms of pickles (our favorites), but in bread sounds intriguing.
Marian Allen
July 30, 2014 at 10:05pmHeh! I thought dill must be sour, since I had only had it in dill pickles, until we grew some. It’s SO NICE! And, yes, it really is wonderful baked into bread; toast that bread and spread it with orange marmalade, and it’s pure heaven!
July 30, 2014 at 8:27amSour cream + dill = best dipping sauce for pelmini, best topping for borscht, beef Stroganov, stew, and…pretty much every Russian food. =D
Marian Allen
July 30, 2014 at 10:46amMayonnaise + dill = best ever spread for cold roast beef sandwiches! 🙂