It All Depends #ThursdayDoors #StoryADayMay 10

I generally choose my own prompts for Story A Day May. This year, I chose to use prompts strewn about my blog by Pete Laberge, who has the kind of wild and woolly mind I enjoy. Since they’re all at my discretion and only to spark the story, I could chuck any of them any day. Although I came close to chucking them today, I settled for merely tweaking ’em good and hard. I also tweaked the geography of downtown Indy just a tad.

Story A Day

It All Depends

by Marian Allen

The doors to the Downtown Kiwanis club to her right, the War Memorial to her left, she fiddled with her beads, half her mind on hope and half on tactics of withdrawal. It had been more than ten years since her last blind date; she could only imagine she’d agreed to this one out of lonely desperation.

She glanced at her watch often, as a courtesy to the curious. Ah, she imagined them thinking, she’s waiting for someone. Indianapolis was like that: metropolitan, but involved.

She was looking at her watch when a tenor voice said, “Billie? Billie Clinton?”

This was him, then. She looked up. And up.


He stuck out a hand even larger than hers. It was also clammier than hers.

“The same,” he said. “Mack Thompson. Friend of Sharon and Paul.”

They claimed to be glad to meet each other.

After a moment of awkward silence, she said, “Look. Sharon and Paul talked me into this, and I guess they talked you into it, too. Blind dates are hell. I remember that, now. So they wanted us to meet, and we met. Let’s spare ourselves some grief and call it done.”

She wished they were playing poker, because the unguarded relief on his face would have been insulting, if it hadn’t been so funny. He probably grinned and wiggled in his chair if he got a good hand.

Now he unclipped his fake tie and stuffed it in his pocket. “Thank God that’s over! Sharon’s little, but she’s an arm-twister.”

“Isn’t she? And Paul looks at you with those big brown puppy-dog eyes….”

Mack’s laugh rumbled so deeply, she could feel it through the sidewalk.

“Listen,” Mack said. “You like barbecue? There’s a great place just around the corner.”

She named the place.

“That’s it,” he said. “You know it?”

“I love it! What are we waiting for?”

He took her elbow, not guiding her, just making them a unit in the flow of foot traffic.

She took a chance, and said, “Thanks for not making a joke about my name.”

“Billie Clinton? That is kind of funny. I never met a girl named Billie before. I guess it’s short for something.”

“Wilhelmina. Some queen or other.”

“Oh, yeah? Cool! I vote and everything, but I don’t, like, dwell on politics.”

A perfect man. They do exist. Thank you, baby Jesus.

If things went well today, maybe next time she saw him she’d even wear her favorite little blue dress.

There might be a next time. Things might go well. It felt good to hope.


And here are the doors to the Indianapolis Downtown Kiwanis Club, courtesy of Google Maps.

In addition to Story A Day, this post has been part of Thursday Doors, a link-up hosted by Norm Frampton, photographer Extraordinaire. Visit Norm’s site, enjoy his wonderful photos, click on the blue frog link, and enter a world of doors.

MY PROMPTS TODAY: Bill Clinton, a Big Mac, and a speech at the Kiwanis Club

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I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “It All Depends #ThursdayDoors #StoryADayMay 10

  1. pm laberge

    May 10, 2018 at 11:10pm

    Well, my suggestions ARE mix and match, Batteries NOT included! No Warranty! May contain nuts or tree seeds… or come from a tree seed. (Hey, there is prompt, in itself, there….?!)

    I am wild. (Go to you Tube. Type in “Wild Thing!”)
    There are times, usually when I first awaken, when I am very woolly, slow, confused, a tad off….
    (Probably Best NOT to Use as a Prompt!!! LOL!)

    I frequently make people chuck. Sometimes upchuck! A Certain Librarian would like Chuch Norris, but you will not get that from me. Sometimes I even make people chuckle. (May or may not be a Prompt. Kids do not try this at home. Let an experienced author play with these. Best for sane adults.)

    Isn’t Tweaking Them Good and Hard!” a Country Western song? Steffie might play that on her car radio or cd player. And then she’d have to take out some drug dealer. By tweaking him/her to a new realm of existence. “Colonel Mustard, in the Planetarium, Dynamite with a laser beam!” (See how I cleverly put Queen in there? I had no idea until now, that Steffie was once married into the Heinz Family. They could not cut the mustard with her, because she was too hot to handle. She, on the other hand, always cuts the Moutarde. I better stop before I get weird city. Oh, wait, I seem to have just entered the downtown… I knew I shoulda turned left in Albekerky…)

    She was tweaking my geography, to the Tennesse Waltz. as we drove down the streets of olde Indy, last nite!
    What do you mean I cannot sing? Well, Ok, I sound like freight cars coupling. My lyrics are not much better….

    But, good story, none the less. See what a pro can do with the right prompts?

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    • Author
      • pm laberge

        May 11, 2018 at 8:32am

        We try! Sometimes, I actually get something right! THIS, is to keep you on your toes!

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  2. joey

    May 27, 2018 at 10:26pm

    Okay, this one just hit all my right spots. One, Indy. Two, getting real. Three, bbq. Four, doors. Five, my grandmother’s name was Willie. Just Willie. Six, HOPE. I just love this lil vignette. Well done.

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