#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #calico #calicocats #scottishfold #scottishfoldlovers #Adi #AdiLadyFluffington #FrauleinProfessorOverknocker
Hewwo. Um, I’m Adi, okay?
Dis was a quirpy month. Chickie quirped onna coverlet anna fluffy sheet, an EverMom washed dem and put one onna clothes horse to dry an de odder one onna shower rod. But she forgotted de shower rod is just somefing she called “a tension rod” and de rod fell down. I hadda inspect it to make sure it wasn’t trubble.

Den I quirped. I usually use a hidden corner, but dis time I got caught out inna open. EverMom came to see an I was embarrassed. So I sang and danced and ran off an mewed over my shoulder (EverMom said, “Like little Timmy was down the well”, whatever dat means). She followed me and petted me and told me it was okay and went and cleaned it up. She’s a good EverMom, even though she puts the seat down onna baffroom bowls so I can’t play an splash water all over de rim and floor.
It’s been cold, so I moved from de top of my tower into de snuggle hammock.

An I tried a new thing! I was meowing around EverMom’s ankles inna office, an she picked me up an put me in her lap an I stayed dere! For a long time! I don’t usually like lapping, but I fink I might like it now!

January 27, 2025 at 5:17amHi Adi! We don’t say quirping down here so I was wondering if it’s the same as throwing up? Up chuck is what we say.
Marian Allen
January 27, 2025 at 8:50am“Quirp” is a word our girls made up because that’s the sound their Cairn terrier made when she up chucked. Her nickname became QuirpPup, and the word has stuck with us.