The Sadness of the Fridge, the Happiness of the Testudine #NSFW

Okay, follow me closely; this is complicated.

My mother has dysphagia, which means she can’t swallow. Stuff goes into her lungs that ought to go into her tummy. So she “eats” through a g-tube in her tum. She doesn’t have much in her fridge or her freezer, just some stuff I keep there in case I need to spend the day or the night.

So we don’t open the fridge very often. Like, not at all.

The fridge was making the occasional odd clicky sound, but it was running right along.

So now do you understand why we didn’t know the cooling had stopped until what was inside had rotted and leaked stink?

I threw everything away — EVEN THE PROSCIUTTO!!! — and cleaned up the mess with baking soda.

OldFridgeIt’ll cost more to have it repaired than to get a new one, so I need to go refrigerator shopping for a wee little one. Not a dorm one, but an apartment one. Then comes the big job: sorting through all those magnets!

On quite a different note, I thought I saw a turtle eating grass in the back yard, so I got my camera and snapped a shot.

Turtle1Then he moved, and I saw it wasn’t A turtle. And he wasn’t eating grass.

Guys.... Get a room.
Guys…. Get a room.

I’m posting today at Fatal Foodies about black beans and cornbread.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character totally misunderstands something they see.




I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “The Sadness of the Fridge, the Happiness of the Testudine #NSFW

  1. Jane

    August 30, 2016 at 7:30am

    A very handsome turtle indeed. No wonder he was getting some.
    Q: Is this really a good time for little turtles to be hatching?

    Good luck on getting rid of the old fridge! Maybe a metal collector will come out and get it?

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      August 30, 2016 at 8:39am

      We got the phone number of a repair guy, so we’re going to try to get ‘er up and running again.

      And the little turtles won’t be hatching NOW, just incubating. They lay eggs in spring, early summer, and sometimes fall. These will be fall babies! So I need to watch out on the driveway, because those crazy dames want to dig nest holes in the gravel driveway!

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  2. Joey

    August 30, 2016 at 11:38am

    How sad. Especially the prosciutto!
    I hate my fridge. But then, I love it because it works and I don’t have to buy a new one. You follow?
    Ideally, I wish we had one like the one we last had in base housing. It was a standard white one, 22 cubic feet, just fine. It was just fine for 7 years.
    What came with our house is a 198? side-by-side with a broken ice maker and broken water dispenser. *sigh* They are just a place to clean. The freezer sucks in terms of organization and my big platters barely fit in the fridge side. I hate that fridge on the regular. But I love it because it still works and I don’t have to buy a new one.
    Good luck getting a new one πŸ™‚

    My father has a tube, too. Otherwise, he can eat small amounts of soft food. I’m so pleased with the tube, because he’s finally gaining some much-needed weight.

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  3. Dan Antion

    August 30, 2016 at 11:58am

    Good luck shopping for a fridge. You might be old enough to remember when appliance salespeople actually knew something about appliances, and when they weren’t handing the deliver off to a separate “logistics” company and when the store actually gave a rat’s behind about your happiness. Sorry…rant over.

    As for the turtles, hey, they’re one of the longest surviving species on the planet. They have to make more turtles somewhere.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      August 30, 2016 at 1:09pm

      We have a repair guy coming this afternoon. I’d rather pay a service call than go fridge shopping. As for the turtles, I have no objection to their doing what turtles gotta do, I just would prefer they be more circumspect about it. Libertines.

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  4. A.C.Flory

    August 30, 2016 at 7:57pm

    LOVE the turtle shot and I’m sorry about your Mum, and the fridge. Is she [your Mum] well otherwise?

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      August 31, 2016 at 8:33am

      We got the fridge repaired! Yay! And it’s cleaner than it’s been since it was bought! Double yay!

      The turtle wanted me to suppress the photos, but a jury of 12 rabbits ruled that, if he didn’t want the photo taken and distributed, he should have taken his private business to a private place.

      Mom is, as my late grandpa used to say, in pretty good shape for the shape she’s in. heh. She’s doing well, and all the better for your asking. πŸ™‚

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