Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? Chickie has a new game to play with me. She’s always inventing new games! At first, I was jealous, because Poppa lets her get away with anything. If I did the naughty things Chickie does, I would…

HELLO! My name is CHICKIE! First, I wented to the vet–or, as Mommie calls her, the V-E-T. I hab all my shots now, and I don’t hab to go back for two monfs. Then I get a special prize called a Big Girl Operation. I…

Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? Chickie isn’t the only helper around here. I help, too! The other day, Momma and Poppa had guests, so Momma ran the vacuum and dusted. She picked up all our toys and put them in one place.…