People who don’t socialize online often tell me, “Online friends are nice, but they aren’t REAL friends.” I beg to differ. I’ve met so many people online who are as dear and close to me as many a face-to-face friend. You know who you are.…
Tag: friendship
HELLO! My name is CHICKIE! The other day, I went to lounge on Mommy’s bed, and I found my brudder, Tipper, there, kind of crying, sort of. TIPPER: I’m a big man cat! I don’t cry, not even kind of sort of! Well, it looked…
Back before COVID, my friends the Flemings visited our friend Andrea Gilbey in England. Being excellent friends, they made sure to take lots of pictures of doors, arches, fancy windows, and such for me. Until I ever find another door to photograph, I’ll put these…