#MondayRecommends #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt I finally got out Saturday. #4 and her AlmostMister shoveled a little path for me from my door to a good parking place and from my garage to the hill up to the parking place, then #4…

#MondayRecommends #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt It’s snowing like a big dog outside. And cold? Lord, yes, it’s cold! So Saturday, I finally watched JOHN WICK. My new doctor says, “Sometimes you just need to cry.” And sometimes you just need to watch…

#MondayRecommends #NailArt #nails #Maniology #HelloManiology #ManiologyAmbassador #MomGoth10discountcode #writingprompt So I finally saw BARBIE on Netflix. It had its moments, and I loved that it had just a few high-intensity, high-dancer musical numbers like Indian films do so well. America Ferrera’s speeches voicing the cognitive dissonance…