Here’s a snippet from one of my works in progress. This is BAR SINISTER, one of the Spadena Street mysteries I roughed out during a NaNoWriMo. Juss lives in a Storybook Style mini-castle on Spadena Street. She got involved with Abby’s problem because Abby is…

The Speed City Sisters in Crime had a flash fiction contest at Magna cum Murder and there was a tie for first place. One of the winners was…MOI! The other was Ted Hertel, but I can’t find his website, so I can’t send you to…

Back in 2009, I wrote my first Spadena Street story. I think that was the first one. ANYWAY, in 2009, I wrote a Spadena Street story. Spadena Street is the setting for a series of mystery stories and books I’ve been working on since…. Well,…