And One O’ The Winnahs IS…. #SampleSunday

The Speed City Sisters in Crime had a flash fiction contest at Magna cum Murder and there was a tie for first place. One of the winners was…MOI!

The other was Ted Hertel, but I can’t find his website, so I can’t send you to him.

Here, in its entirety, is my co-winning entry.

Sing a Song of Murder

by Marian Allen

“We don’t get many murders around here,” the sheriff complained. “None that are mysteries, anyway.”

His sister, a barista at the coffee shop, handed him a jumbo cup of black-two-sugars.

“How is this a mystery?”

He used the cup to point to the scene. “One set of footprints in the snow. Paul’s corpse at the end. Bloody tire iron beside it.”

“Saul never got over Paul’s being five minutes older.”

“And he’s be my first choice. But how?”

She reached up and patted his shoulder. “You’d have got it, eventually.”

He squinted at her over the rim of his cup, steam fogging his glasses. “Okay, what?”

She put a hand to her ear and pointed to the library clock as it chimed a carol.

“Last verse, first line,” she said. “Twins.”

The clock began another verse of Good King Wenceslas and the siblings sang,”In his master’s step he trod.”


Wasn’t that fun? I had fun.




I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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