I’m taking a Blog Book Tour class this month, so my posts have made an attempt to be Actual Content heavy. When class is over, I’ll feel free to devote no fewer than three days a week to Actual Content and get back to sharing the thrills of everyday life on the other days.
Meanwhile, Victor J. Banis, who visited here with a post on the perfect martini, posted a review of LONNIE, ME AND THE HOUND OF HELL at his blog and a longer one at Alan Chin’s blog. Thanks, Victor and Alan!
WRITING PROMPT: Write a book review of a book or story collection (by one author) you really really like. Why do you like or dislike this book or these stories? What do you like or dislike about this writer’s style? Think about how this applies to your own writing.
Helen Ginger
July 29, 2010 at 6:19pmThat’s a great prompt for writers. Once they’ve done it, they can decide what to change on their manuscript – or not.