#Caturday – The Real Katya

I used to think Katya was the reincarnation of my previous cat, Miss Tiffany, but now I don’t.

Tiff used to jump up on the back of the rocking chair. Tiff was made of Styrofoam and her weight left the chair immobile. The first time Katya jumped up there and the chair moved, she acted like, Woah! That never happens! She doesn’t jump up there anymore.

Tiff used to follow me around the house and even go into the bathroom with me. If I closed the door with her outside, she would stand out there and talk to me. Sometimes, she would stick her paw under the door and try to grab me and pull me out, or she would scratch at the rug, or she would find things on the floor and poke them under to me. Katya follows me around and sometimes wants to come into the bathroom with me, but she isn’t OCD about it.

But she IS a reincarnation. Perhaps it’s appropriate that a cat named for a literary character (Katya Verkhovsteva  from Dostoevsky’s THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV) should be the reincarnation of a literary character.

Here is her alter ego:

And here is she:

Are you creeped out? I know I am.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A cat is a reincarnation of somebody your character knew well.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “#Caturday – The Real Katya

  1. Jane

    September 15, 2012 at 11:56am

    Riotous !! I like that girl. She nows how to find the camera, doesn’t she?

    T. Maxx just tried to send you a ;message, but I gothim off the keyboard in time. Whew.

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