I Heart Nathan Point Blank

I have a new restaurant recommendation for Corydon, Indiana: Point Blank Brewing Company. It’s owned and run by Nathan Blank, whom I’ve known since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. Not that that gets me any special discounts or privileges. This is small-town midwest America. Almost every adult has known just about every younger adult since he or she was knee-high etc.

ANYWAY, I had to go into town four times last Saturday so, rather than use that much time and gas, I went in once and stayed all day.

I started out in Point Blank’s coffee room, where I could plug in my laptop and access the free wi-fi. Got a mug of plain coffee with a shot of hazelnut syrup for $1.50. And it was a bottomless cup! For my readers in or from other places, to whom that might sound messy, a “bottomless cup” means there’s no charge for refills.

Did some of the stuff I had to do and came back for lunch. You can spend a lot for lunch there, if you just absolutely insist, but you know me. If you don’t know me, let me just say that it is NOT true that the wrinkles never come out of money I’ve clutched.

I got the 6-inch brick-oven-baked pizza. Look at this baby. Mr. Monk would go insane. The dough is fresh, so it isn’t a perfect circle. Get over that. $5.50 for this baby with plenty of cheese, no tomato sauce, and five toppings besides the cheese. I got diced tomatoes, artichoke hearts, bacon, sausage, and … I forget the other one.

PointBlankPizzaNO, they don’t have their liquor license yet. They’re working on it. It’ll be worth waiting for, trust me. The slackers don’t have their web site going yet, or I’d send you there. Just to to Corydon, Indiana, go to the Square, park somewhere around the bandstand, and walk around. It’s where Magdalena’s used to be. (Magdalena’s has moved to Georgetown, in case you’re wondering.)

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Go to a casual restaurant alone and talk to the staff and other customers. Not, you know, in a creepy stalky way.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “I Heart Nathan Point Blank

  1. Carol Preflatish

    December 12, 2012 at 9:12pm

    This sounds like a great place. I definitely need to visit next time I’m in town.

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  2. Juli D. Revezzo

    December 12, 2012 at 2:47pm

    Oh, my that looks tasty! I *love* pizza. My friends and I have a little coffee shop we meet at every once in a while. No pizza on their menu I’m afraid but their sandwiches and Quiche are to die for!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 12, 2012 at 4:26pm

      Mushrooms. That was the other thing on it. And it WAS tasty. 🙂

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  3. Jane

    December 12, 2012 at 9:45am

    Hi. I did that once. I went to BoomBoz’s in the middle of the day, when apparently there was NO clientele. SO–I got to chat with the handsome young-ish waiter for quite some time. ;}

    We actually discussed beer. They had the new Falls City on tap! AND it was good! I’m still not sure it wasn’t creepy, though. :}

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 12, 2012 at 9:59am

      Yeah, Jane, but see that waiter was probably chatting YOU up. If a cute young waiter chats to me, it’s because I remind him of his dear old granny. lol

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