The Sadness of the Steps

Okay, so I made a New Year’s Resolution in my heart that I would walk more this year. So the first step (heh heh) was to get a pedometer and register it with my insurance company’s “wellness provider” (sheesh!) and record the steps I normally take every day. My idea was to get a baseline of what I do without trying, and then up it a bit at a time.

I didn’t want to go into it gung ho and raise false expectations in the mind of the wellness provider, you know. That would just be mean. And I am never mean. Unless, you know, I am.

SO ANYWAY, I was so happy yesterday, because I was walking and walking, and took the steps instead of the elevator at the courthouse (paying property taxes, if you must know), la la la la la! And I got home and I had somehow accidentally hit CLEAR and lost all my steps for the day.


So: question: Is it cheating to sit here and joggle the pedometer to reflect the actual steps I took before I cleared them out? Or is it kosher?

Meanwhile, I’m posting at Fatal Foodies about my favorite bread recipe.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: If this happened to your main character, what would they do?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “The Sadness of the Steps

  1. Jane

    January 6, 2015 at 9:39am

    Walk, don’t RUNNN!!!!

    Clearly, the CLEAR button is defectively designed. Probably, the whole device is illogical. Yeah. That’s it.

    It’s like that sheriff’s gun in the elevator I saw on the news yesterday:
    He was only trying to get it back into its wee tiny holster…when—-KABOOM! He shot himself! Recorded by the elevator cam. He is expected to recover, the news person said.

    So….I expect you should’t experience a malfunction such as THAT! 😉

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      January 6, 2015 at 4:17pm

      Ah, but when I went to upload my few paltry steps that were left to me, I discovered that I had cleared THE DISPLAY, but all my steps were still in the device MEMORY and uploaded and registered just fine. I love a happy ending, don’t you?

      As for the sheriff, if I had a dollar for every man who was convinced his gun was too big for his holster, I’d be a wealthy woman.

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  2. Kiril Kundurazieff

    January 6, 2015 at 9:59pm

    I think I walked the farthest I’ve walked since moving to Houston 2 years ago, today.

    Maybe 8 miles, in 5 hours, exploring the walking/biking trail along a wilder section of a nearby bayou to my new apartment.

    While I saw no feral cats, the area is a paradise for bird watchers and I’ll be sharing photos soon on my blog.

    I usually try not to walk so much as my right ankle (broken in 2011) and leg can get painful to use, but was looking for where the bayou starts its journey to the coast and came very close. 😀

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      January 6, 2015 at 10:12pm

      Wow! That’s a lot of walking! I’d venture to say that the area is a paradise for bird watchers BECAUSE there are no feral cats there, eh?

      I hope you didn’t overdo, and make your ankle and leg hurt. I’m looking forward to seeing the photos! What did Sneakers and Elvira think of your being away so long, with no cat pictures to show for it? lol

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