CoryDoors — Harrison County Courthouse on the Square #ThursdayDoors

Harrison County, Indiana, became a county in 1808. Corydon, Indiana, was the Indiana Territorial Capital and became the county seat. It was the state capital from 1813 to 1825, when the capital was moved to Indianapolis.

There’s a picture of the First State Capitol Building in the gallery at the end of the post.

Some of the current government offices have been moved off the town square, and some of the court proceedings have been moved to the Justice Center, also off the square, but some business is still done in this beautiful brick building, built in 1928.squarecourthouseThis is where we went for early voting. The door is new, for security’s sake, but the windows and all are beautiful, and so is the interior.

squarecircuitdoorSo much wood! See the reflection of the ceiling light? When I was in elementary school, we used to call those “cake lights.” Here’s a better picture.

squarelightsThe steps are worn down from decades of use, although there’s an elevator.

squarestairsbrickAnd outside is the square, which is beautiful and refreshing. I’ll feature that, sometime, if I can figure out a way to doorify it.

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This has been part of Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors link-up. I encourage you to go to his page and see his fabulous photographs. Then click on the little blue froggie button and add your own door(s) or follow the links to other sites.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write about something — or someone — worn down by time.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “CoryDoors — Harrison County Courthouse on the Square #ThursdayDoors

  1. janet

    November 17, 2016 at 8:48am

    I like the square in the middle of town. So many older towns have this.


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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 17, 2016 at 10:32am

      It’s really nice, janet. We have a lot of events there, like the Friday night band concerts during the summer and Heritage Days, with live demos of candlemaking and apple-butter making and blacksmithing and such.

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  2. Norman Frampton

    November 17, 2016 at 10:39am

    Nice one Marian. That pic of the first State Capitol Building is my fave of the bunch. It is a beautiful structure 🙂

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 17, 2016 at 10:59am

      I was going to feature it, but the interior is fairly pedestrian. And dark. I’ll have to go in some sunny day and see what I can come up with. 🙂

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  3. Joey

    November 17, 2016 at 12:03pm

    Been a long time since I’ve seen the old capital. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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    • Joey

      November 17, 2016 at 12:04pm

      *capitol — shh, i’m barely wakey. lol

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  4. Deborah

    November 18, 2016 at 9:59am

    I like the Americana vibe the town and square have. It looks lovely!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 18, 2016 at 10:36am

      When a cousin of mine came to visit during one of the on-the-square events, she said, “It’s just like a small town!” I just looked at her. lol

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      • Deborah

        November 18, 2016 at 10:48am

        I imagine that’s the same look you’d give me if I were there soaking it all in. 🙂

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