Frederick’s is a nifty little place in downtown (for a given value of “downtown”) Corydon. When we first moved here, it was Donahue’s, where Mom and I went three times a year for the best prime rib anybody ever ate. When Mr. Donahue retired, he took his recipes with him, dammit. But then a really good Mexican restaurant opened there. I don’t remember the name, because us locals call it El Donahue’s. Now it’s Frederick’s, which makes a killer-good breakfast and pretty good lunch. Closed for dinner.
ANYWAY, you know me and terlits (I’m a connoisseur), so I took a picture of the doors.
The alcove in the middle holds the sink for both Gentlemen and Ladies. I don’t know where the Hos and ManHos are supposed to go.
I also don’t know what’s painted on the wall inside the Gentlemen’s room (remiss of me — I’ll have to correct that sometime), but this is in the Ladies’.
The flowers are all leaning toward the Necessary Convenience, as if lending their aid to a ladylike denial of natural bodily functions. Charming.
This has been (just barely) part of Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors link-up. Visit Norm’s gorgeous blog, view his wonderful photographs, and click the blue frog link to enter a world of doors.
A WRITING PROMPT BASED ON MY POST: Write about flowers in surprising places.
Norm 2.0
November 30, 2017 at 2:31pmThanks for the chuckles. Now you’re just going to have to march into the men’s room and start taking pictures there too!!
Marian Allen
December 1, 2017 at 7:17amIt wouldn’t be the first men’s room I’ve marched into. At the Carnegie Deli in NYC, I was waiting in line for the Ladies’, and one of the waiters looked at me like I was nuts and said, “If the Men’s is empty, use that.” He walked away, shaking his head at these crazy Midwestern tourists.
November 30, 2017 at 1:07pmWhat? You haven’t been in the men’s room? You’d best fix that soon or have your husband take a few shots. 🙂 And although all those restaurant types sound great, there’s something wonderful about a killer breakfast.
Marian Allen
November 30, 2017 at 1:44pmI know, right? Charlie would never take a picture in the Gentlemen’s room, but I sure will, next time! Oh, their breakfast! Sausage gravy over biscuits with home fries on the side — enough for us both to share! Mmmmmmm….
Daniel Antion
November 30, 2017 at 10:41amI like a little whimsy around those necessary functions. If you brighten up that place, you know you’re going to make most of your customers smile.
Marian Allen
November 30, 2017 at 10:52amRight! And if that place is clean and cheery or pretty, the customer expects the kitchen to be clean and the food good. If that place is grimy and dull, the customer wonders….
Roy A Ackerman, PhD, EA
November 30, 2017 at 9:16amI knew you’d go far, Marian. Not quite the kitchen sink, but a sink nevertheless!
Marian Allen
November 30, 2017 at 10:48am😀
November 30, 2017 at 7:05amThat was cheerful and made me LOL several times! Thanks for the laughs! Leave it to you to make new ways with terlit humor 😛
Marian Allen
November 30, 2017 at 10:47amI’m so happy to make you LOL! You make me LOL and smile and ROTFL so often! Only when you intend to, of course.