When you have a chronic depression/anxiety condition, you look for things that make you feel safe and happy. If necessary, you also take prescribed pharmaceuticals — don’t judge, either way — but it helps A LOT to also find sparks of joy. Since I spend lots of time at the computer, I find what I need on the electronics as well as outside my window.
Not everybody has the view out of my window … Well, you know, nobody but I, actually … but everybody reading this has access to the electronics, so this is for you.
I felt safe watching Breaking Bad. The IMDB description, “A high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in order to secure his family’s future.” doesn’t begin to communicate the brutality and spiritual ghastliness of the show. It made me feel safe because it’s set in Arizona and I live in Indiana and I ain’t messing with those guys. Safe.
I feel safe watching Supernatural. It is also brutal and ghastly, and it takes place all over the country, including, but not limited to, Indiana. But it makes me feel safe because it’s full of pretty boys our house already has a ghost (Mr. Butt) and he’s a pal. Safe.
Happiness: Many things make me happy. One of the things that make me incandescently happy is … wait for it … yodeling. Yes, yodeling. Cowboy yodeling, Swiss yodeling, country yodeling…I love it all. At the moment, my favorite yodeler is Takeo Ischi. You may be familiar with his internet sensation video, Chicken Attack with the Gregory Brothers or the metal version he did live in 2019 with CHTHONIC. He’s a great yodeler, funny AF, and he has very athletic calves. — Oh! And he lives in Bavaria, why my grandfather’s people are from. So there’s that.
My current favorite Takeo Ischi is the New Bibi Hendl, which is also about chickens. Don’t worry if you see a rectangle with three dots in it. Just click the Play arrow to see the video. You can thank me later.
Doing my nails also makes me happy. Here are this week’s.
A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: What, if anything, makes you feel safe and happy?
April 26, 2021 at 6:07pm-giggles- I’m afraid I don’t share ANY of your sparks of joy. Don’t watch scary stuff and seriously don’t like yodelling but…I did watch a bit of that video simply because I could not imagine a Japanese guy yodelling. With chickens. Doing chicken sounds…!
In German. All I can say is thank you for making me sputter coffee all over the place. :p
Marian Allen
April 27, 2021 at 11:35amI never watched scary stuff until Breaking Bad. The writing was just SO GOOD it hooked me. I’m glad you gave Bibi Hendl a try, even though you hate yodeling. It’s a particular taste. I like banjo, accordion, and bagpipes, too, so….
April 27, 2021 at 10:19pmUm… -cough- I think we may have rather different tastes in music. ๐
Marian Allen
April 28, 2021 at 9:15am๐ I like pretty much every kind of music. Spotify doesn’t even try anymore. They just suggest anything they have lying around the vault, and I usually like it.
April 28, 2021 at 6:59pmlmao – I’m not as tolerant as you!
April 26, 2021 at 5:59pmWhimsicality at its best!
April 26, 2021 at 7:18amYour list of joy makes me happy!
Marian Allen
April 26, 2021 at 8:51amAnd that makes ME happy! ๐