A Good Place For Boobs #BreastCancer and #NailArt

A friend recommended Jodee for mastectomy products, but I had already bought what I needed at Survivor Room, which has products for people living with all kinds of cancer. I bought camisoles that open in the front and have detachable pouches for my drainage tube (see next paragraph).

When you have a mastectomy, until it heals up, all the blood vessels and lymph notes still drain into where your breast used to be. So the doctors insert a tube that leads to a bulb where all the stuff goes that used to go into your breast. You have to empty the tube and record the drainage amount until there isn’t any more, at which time they take the tube out. I don’t know if you get to keep the tube and bulb in case you think of something to use them for, but I’ll find out.

ANYWAY, the camisoles I ordered were supposed to also come with fiberfill inserts, like really thick falsies, but the ones they sent DID NOT. So I messaged them on their site, and a few hours later they replied, apologized, and said they had shipped the inserts. I’m hoping to have them by the time I need them.

Survivor Room. Recommended.

Here are my New Year’s nails. I broke a thumbnail, so they’re all stubbins.

The base coat is some really old polish Sara bought at Claire’s Boutique umpty years ago. The fireworks are Sharpies and Maniology’s So Metal. The Happy New Year is So Metal. The plate is Maniology’s M042.

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: A celebration of the turning of the year.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “A Good Place For Boobs #BreastCancer and #NailArt

  1. acflory

    January 4, 2022 at 3:49am

    You are an inspiration Ms Allen. And the nails are nice too. -hugs-

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      January 4, 2022 at 11:11am

      Counting down the days until I find out what post-op treatment I’ll have.

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