Caturday: Adi Is The Good One

#Caturday #cats #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #calico #calicocats #scottishfold #scottishfoldlovers #Adi #AdiLadyFluffington #FrauleinProfessorOverknocker

Hewwo. Um, I’m Adi, okay?

I was de good one dis week, an Tipper an Chickie were de BAD ones!

Chickie got onna nail station an knocked a buncha nail stuff onna floor. EverMom caught her doing it. I fink Chickie did it to get me in trubble, cause I play wif de nail stuff a lot, but EverMom CAUGHT her, so ha-ha, Chickie!

Den Chickie chewed up EverMom’s new tablecloff.

An Tipper jumped onna table an jumped off an tore holes in de tablecloff. EverMom SAW him!

An I was de GOOD ONE. I hissed at Chickie a lil bit, but EverMom just touched me wif de tip of her toe an I quit.

Sweet as mouse pie.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Gettin caught bein bad.


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