Fight Of The Century #Caturday

the queenAmidala speaking.

MaMA and I had a fight! It was a terrible, roaring brawl!

To be precise, I had a terrible, roaring brawl; MaMA didn’t.

I should have expected it. I’ve been catching my claws on the blankets for over a week now, and crying piteously when I get caught. I should say that’s my intention. Perhaps my cries are a touch more strident than I intend, because MaMA calls me “Eliza Mewlittle” and says, “HEAvens, what a noise!”

At any rate, MaMA reached into her bag’o’stuff and pulled out the claw clipper. She’s clipped my claws before, but I simply didn’t fancy it that day. Nevertheless, she persisted, attacking the claws on all four of my paws.

I tried to pull away, but she held me fast. I yowled, I hissed, I growled. Charles understood the depth of my antipathy for he, from the other room, called, “You better leave that cat alone! You better not mess with that cat!” I clawed her terribly, and tore her flesh with my teeth. Yes, all right, I smacked at her and pretended I was going to chomp her, but I didn’t actually touch her.

Meanwhile, MaMA continued her work, only saying, “Yes, I know. Hush, now. It’s okay,” and, occasionally, “Ah-AH!”

Finally, she was done. The instant she released the final paw, I stopped growling, curled up beside her, and went to sleep.

Let that be a lesson to her!

Here is one of my (I confess it, much more comfortable) clipped paws.

AmiToesA WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Do you like to have your claws clipped?


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One thought on “Fight Of The Century #Caturday

  1. Dan

    March 5, 2016 at 7:21am

    I avoid (clipping) at all cost. I’m with Charles.

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  2. Jane

    March 5, 2016 at 9:40am

    When I had to clip Chowdie’s claws, I straddled him, held him between my knees (making my toes form up a rear barrier), and went to clipping. He is SO strong. And compact. It was like trying to clip nails off a cross between a struggling piglet and a football. But he was actually quite a good boy, because like Lady Amidala, he didn’t actually intend to hurt me for my efforts.

    Chowdie is Bub’s boy, still alive and kicking at about 24. He was visiting me and Mom while Bub took home Manolito for a couple weeks. Sadly, Manolito went to his rest quite a while back. Long-dwelling in happy memories.

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    • Marian Allen

      March 5, 2016 at 6:25pm

      Jane, that’s how I do Sweetie Pie’s claws, although she’s more like sitting on a punkin. heh.

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  3. joey

    March 5, 2016 at 12:30pm

    I used to clip my first kitty’s nails and she never fussed, but the one after her hated it, and my boy kitty, well, NO WAY. My boy kitty ended up declawed, and now his brother, too.
    My dog cries somethin terrible when she gets her nails clipped. She acts like they’re spooning out her eyeballs. It’s awful. I stand in the hall and fight back tears. She scares all the other dogs in the vet’s office with her wailing. It’s a good thing she’s a city dog and wears them down on the pavement, she doesn’t have to go too often. Phew!

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    • Marian Allen

      March 5, 2016 at 6:27pm

      Joey, I usually start the kitties out when they’re small, so they’re sort of used to it as they grow up. But I didn’t get Ami until she was grown, and she’s more like your dog! “She acts like they’re spooning out her eyeballs.” OMG — you made me snort coffee!!!

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  4. Holly

    March 5, 2016 at 4:02pm

    I worried you might’ve hurt my friend Marian,at first! You are a silly kitty;most of us pay good money for a mani-pedi!

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  5. Shelly

    March 5, 2016 at 8:01pm

    Lol it sounds like all that fighting wore Amidala out!

    Did you get the site migration sorted out?

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    • Marian Allen

      March 6, 2016 at 7:47am

      No, Shelly, I’m experimenting with two smaller sites that are subdomains of this one, and it isn’t going well at all, at all. I’m reciting my secondary motto like a mantra, though: “Never give up! Never surrender!”

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      • Shelly

        March 7, 2016 at 12:37am

        Has your new host given up on transferring the site? I’m wanting to switch hosts too, but now I’m a little more than worried about making the migration.

        Permalink  ⋅ Reply
        • Marian Allen

          March 7, 2016 at 8:22am

          Are you migrating from Bluehost?

          Yes, my new host has given up. It’s probably something funky I’ve done somewhere. :/ I haven’t given up, though. I know so little about how these things are SUPPOSED to work, I sometimes come up with a hack that shouldn’t work but does. heh

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          • Shelly

            March 7, 2016 at 10:07am

            My is on my reseller account with Hostgator. I’d like to migrate all my sites from the Hostgator reseller account and my old sites from Bluehost to one account at BigScoots. I think it’s about eight sites total.

            I’ve moved one site before and I used a plugin to do it. I’ve never tried to move a site any other way.

            There are ppl you could pay to move your site on sites like Fiverr but I’m not sure if you could trust them not to screw things up.

            Permalink  ⋅ Reply
            • Marian Allen

              March 7, 2016 at 2:52pm

              The MDDHosting guys are being unbelievably helpful! Together, we’re finding and deleting Bluehost-added files and MA-added files that might be gunking things up. 🙂

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