#ChristmasInJuly #writingprompt A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: What is midwinter like where you live? MA

#ChristmasInJuly #recipe #fruitcake #writingprompt Originally posted in December 2010. I made fruitcake yesterday. Awright, awright, pipe down, nobody’s going to make you eat any of it. In fact, good luck wrestling any away from us. We all love fruitcake in my family, and I don’t…
#ChristmasInJuly #solstice #wintersolstice Christmas Songsby Gerta Kennedy Bring every childbring each branch and stembent, beautiful, or wild; bring each thirsty faceand every beast and birdbeyond the holy wordthat our ladyof the snows,lady of blue and of the rosemay affirmearth’s whole grace.Her embroidered hemas she passeswill…